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Trust Me, Mom-Everyone Else Is Going!: The New Rules for Mothering Adolescent Girls by Roni Cohen-Sandler (2003)

Condition Details: Paperback in Very Good (VG) condition.



Paperback in Very Good (VG) condition. s.

From "queen bees" to "gamma girls" to the "odd girl out," adolescent girls are all over the news. But whether a girl is popular or struggling to fit in, outgoing or reserved, her mother worries about how she is coping with her new, often scary, teenage social world: Who is she with, what is she really doing, is she safe and, of course, is she happy? In this essential survival guide, Roni Cohen-Sandler teaches parents to "use their BRAIN"--Be flexible, Respectful, Attuned, Involved, and Non-controlling--to build trust and help their daughters navigate these complex social waters. Addressing such issues as popularity, boyfriends, parties and partying, discipline, privacy, body image, and identity, Cohen-Sandler provides a new model for parenting adolescent daughters for today's generation of mothers.