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Adventures in Odyssey #3: The Secret Cave of Robinwood by Paul McCusker



 Paperback in Good (G) condition. Shows light reading wear. Stock photo, actual cover differs.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone. Ever!" Mark Prescott promises Patti that he'll never reveal the secret of her hidden cave. It's a great place for pirates, buried treasure, and secret meetings. When the Israelites, a gang Mark wants to join, are looking for a new clubhouse, Mark thinks of the cave. He's positive they would make him a member if he told them about it. But Patti doesn't want to share the cave. And she doesn't want to join the Israelites. Mark is torn between his friendship with Patti and his new friends. Will Mark join the group at any price? Will he betray the hideaway? Will he risk his friendship with Patti? As he makes his choices, Mark learns about faithfulness, the need to belong, and the gift of forgiveness.