Softcover in Good Condition
Find out whether your child's unexplained illnesses, behavioral problems, or learning difficulties are actually being caused by a sensitivity to substances commonly found in schools. Leading pediatric allergist Dr. Doris J. Rapp gives you fast, easy, inexpensive solutions in this practical and comprehensive guide to environmental illness.
r How to tell if environmental illness is causing your child's common physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms......p. 19
r Why every parent of a child diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder should have the child tested for food allergies......p. 20
r What to do if your child comes home from school with red earlobes, dark eye circles, or puffiness below the eyes......p. 45
r Why you should watch for distinctive reactions like nose-rubbing, skin-scratching, a spacey "out of it" look, and various throat sounds......p. 68
r How changes in your child's handwriting can provide vital clues......p. 80
r Problem areas to look for in your child's school building......p. 119
r What to do if the culprit is indoor air pollution......p. 127
r How to determine if your child's illness is chemical--from cleaning agents and carpets to chemical-laden construction materials and pesticides--and what you can do about it......p. 177
r How a change in diet could improve your child's life in 3 to 7 days......p. 206
r Lessons learned from other sick schools--how parents, teachers, and administrators solved the problem......p. 277
r How to test air and carpet samples from your child's school for chemicals that are causing a reaction in your child......p. 359
r Ten major treatmentoptions that may prove helpful to your child--from avoidance and allergy extract treatment to detoxification......p. 399
r What you need to know about legal assistance and insurance matters......p. 447
Doris J. Rapp, M.D., F.A.A.A., F.A.A.P., is a board-certified environmental medical specialist and pediatric allergist, and a New York Times bestselling author who has appeared on "Oprah" and many other nationally televised talk shows. She is clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She is the founder of the Practical Allergy Foundation in Buffalo and is a past president of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine.